Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Prayerful Greetings to the new bishop of Jagadalpur Diocese

Prayerful greetings to Mar Joseph Kollamparampil, the New Bishop of Jagadalpur...!
- Archdiocese of Changanancherry

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Archbishop's Canada Visit - More photos

 Archbishop meeting with the Montenegrin Orthodox church- His beatitude Montenegrin Metropolitan-16th
 Holy Mass- toronto, Canada
 martyrs' shrine- Archbishop signed for Archdiocese of chry.
 visiting canadian martyrs shrine-17th
With Fr. Bernard Carroll S.J. Director of Canada Martyrs' shrine 17th June

Archbishop's Canada Visit

 family visit-blessing children and parents
H.Mass -Scarborough, Toronto, Canada 17th June- Memorial Liturgy for Archbishops' mother
Holy Mass celebration, toronto, Canada

Monday, May 27, 2013

St. Joseph's Church, Chennamkary - Sehion Meet 2013

 3 days Camp for the leaders of the parish
Chennamkary, New School Building under Construction

Thursday, May 23, 2013

126th Anniversary Celebration of Archdiocese of Changanacherry - Report

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Adyaksharam Kurickal

On the day of the Holy Feast of Pentecost: Adyaksharam Kurickal By Archbishop Joseph Perumthottam, at the Cathedral Church, Changanacherry.

Holy Mooron Koodasa

Holy Mooron Koodasa, Cathedral Church, Changanacherry on 18.05.2013

Bible Parayana Varam Samapanam

District Collector Smt. Mini Antony Gives concluding Message